Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Son is 10.5 months and only has his 2 bottom teeth.. what are some good finger foods for him?

I've tried to give him fruits (watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches etc) and Veggies (steamed carrots, sweet potato etc) but the only things that were successful were grapes (skinned and cut up), cottage cheese, shredded chicken, and the Gerber puffs of course. I would like to expand his horizons and introduce him to other things he may like, but I seem to be stuck.. I will def be trying all of these things again, as I feel his teething may be playing a part in not consuming them. After reading a few other posts on here, I will be trying egg yolks, black beans and steamed broccoli.. but any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.. thanks :)


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