Monday, August 8, 2011

Scared to go to the doctor :(?

I was at a high risk for an ectopic pregnancy so when I was 7 weeks along the doctor wanted to do a sonogram to confirm the pregnancy was in my uterus and not my tube. Well he found a sac in my uterus but thats all he could see. No fetal pole, yolk sac or heart beat. But he kept saying my uterus is extremley tilted. My sac was only measuring 5w4d also. So he took some blood to see where my hcg levels were and told me to come back in 5 days for a follow up scan. So 5 days later I came back and he could still only see a sac but now it was measuring 6 weeks exactly. Once again he kept informing me that mh uterus is very very tilted. He said my levels were pretty high so he wanted to test them again. So he drew more blood and called me the next day and said my levels were still rising but not enough to impress him. He told me he didnt thinj this would be a succesful pregnancy but wasnt ready to offer me a d&c yet. This doctor has been wrong with 3 other things that he has told me. I have an appointment with a different doctor in 2 days seeing as its been almost 3 weeks since my first appt and nothing has happened and i still have all my pregnancy symptoms. Its been 11 weeks since my lmp but since my sac is measuring small it should be measuring 9 weeks. My questions are. Could the doctor just not have been able to see my baby because my uterus is so tilted? Could I have ovulated later in my cycle, and thats why my sac is measuring small? What do you think the chanxes are of tge doctor seeing a heartbeat when I go in 2 days. Im so scared and nervous and and confused. Please help.


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